Friday, December 1, 2017


ONE OF MY FAVORITE FOODS is Nutritional Yeast.

I get it in bulk usually at Natural Food Stores.

For photo nutrition label info,I got a container of BRAGG to show here.

I make a sauce sometimes with butter and yeast flakes. 

It has a cheesy/nutty flavor.

When I was eating was great to sprinkle on top.

There are some carbs in a serving..and some  protein  and

fiber as well.

There are some great information videos on the web for
"cheese" and sauces.

I want to try some of this woman's ideas...

I once had a cat that was crazy about the yeast.

I would find Stumpy up on the kitchen counter opening the

 cupboard and tearing into the bag...Hmmm...! Her littermate

CLEO had no interest in eating it.

                        I have found that with some friends as well.

                        I love it...........some not at all interested...Go Figure!

                                                                                       lots of B vitamins  !
                                                        Check the nitrition on the product you are using..I have noticed some variation in the calculations of carbs and protein and serving size.      



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